1. The Sexual Politics of Meat has never been out of print in 25 years.
2. A rock group, Consolidated, created a song "The Sexual Politics of Meat" for their Friendly Fascism CD. [It can be heard here: http://caroljadams.com/audio-video/ ]
3. The Sexual Politics of Meat has been translated into Japanese, German, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, and Portuguese. French, Italian, Spanish, and Serbian editions are in process.
4. For the Bloomsbury Revelations edition, a new afterword has been added discussing recent examples of the sexual politics of meat and their implications. It features 19 new images. http://www.bloomsbury.com/us/the-sexual-politics-of-meat-9781501312830/
5. Examples of the sexual politics of meat can be found throughout the world.
6. Master’s and doctoral theses have been written responding to The Sexual Politics of Meat.
7. The Sexual Politics of Meat is considered one of the founding texts in the disciplines of Animal Studies, Critical Animal Studies, and Ecocriticism.
8. The Sexual Politics of Meat Slide Show has been shown on four continents and on more than 120 campuses worldwide.
9. The Sexual Politics of Meat is the subject of two recent anthologies, Defiant Daughters: 21 Women of Art, Activism, Animals, and he Sexual Politics of Meat and The Art of the Animal: 14 Women Artists Explore The Sexual Politics of Meat, in which new generation of feminists, artists, and activists respond to the book. You can learn about them here: Defiant Daughters https://lanternbooks.presswarehouse.com/books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=357873 and The Art of the Animal https://lanternbooks.presswarehouse.com/Books/BookDetail.aspx?productID=454697
10. The Beef Episode of Law and Order: SVU features a fictional author of feminist text on meat eating showing a slide show and quoting almost exactly from The Sexual Politics of Meat. Do you think I should start wearing a scarf?
The fictional author of a feminist text on meat eating showing her slide show from Law & Order: SVU, The "Beef" Episode