Writings on Caregiving
In 2017, Critical Inquiry published my essay, “Towards a Philosophy of Care through Caregiving” in which I draw on my journals over an almost ten year period of caregiving, to reflect on the experience. You can find it here.
During my caregiving years, I read Jane Austen constantly. This prompted thoughts about Jane Austen’s novels and caregiving which I am currently writing about. In the meantime, this reflection on reading Emma while I cared for my mother appeared in the New York Times on the 200th anniversary of the publication of Emma.
Even Vegans Die
This book offers practical, thoughtful, and sensitive advice on creating a will, mourning, and caregiving. The second section is concerned with caregiving and includes discussions of “Caregiving as Vegans” and offers “A Vegan Ethic of Care”
More information here
I was surprised by how much I had to say about caregiving as a vegan.
In a chapter in Never Too Late To Go Vegan, I offer advice based on my experience as a caregiver.
More information here.