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#MeToo and The Sexual Politics of Meat at Harvard Law School

Join me for the 5th Annual Harvard Animal Law Week as I discuss #MeToo and The Sexual Politics of Meat. The topics I will be discussing include:

1) A feminist case for animal ethics (feminist ethics of care/relational ethics/exploration of overlapping and interconnected oppressions). 

2) What awareness of animal oppression and feminist “animal” theory contribute to understanding sexual exploitation, for instance, how representations from animal agriculture businesses that sexualize and feminize animals promote an “Anti-#MeToo” perspective; explaining the concept of the absent referent and how this occurs in sexual exploitation, what the metaphor of “feeling like a piece of meat” tells us, and the problem with the word “predator.”

3) How feminist perspectives help to illustrate why sexual harassment was a pernicious problem in animal advocacy (including how white vegan men dealt with the association of meat and masculinity, the development of “bro culture” in the animal rights movement, and the challenge of accountability).

It will be at WCC 1010 of Wasserstein. The main law school building. 

Harvard Law School #MeToo.png